While bottled water consumption has increased, many believe the similar rise in cavities (especially in children) is more than just coincidence. There are other factors that play into this discussion, like the community in which you live. Some communities have floride in their water, while others promote floride supplements.
We know that many orthodontic treatments mean closer watch on the teeth they are straightening. Having that beautiful new smile is even better when it happens cavity free. That’s why we care about your oral health just as much as your dentist does. Making decisions for you and your family is not always a simple task, but learning more information always helps in the process. Please feel free to visit with us about the bottled water debate.
As your oral health partner, we appreciate the trust you show in Orthodontics Limited, and all our team members. As you are trying to draw your own conclusions about bottled water vs. tap water, don’t hesitate to include us in the discussion. We are happy to visit with you and give you our opinions and share with you what we know.
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