Here’s Some Information You May Not Believe!

WELL, WE THOUGHT WE HAD HEARD ABOUT ALL the crazy dental trends here at our orthodontic practice, but apparently we were wrong.

Remember the “tooth gap” fad that became popular back in the 1970s? Supermodels and celebrities caused young fans with perfect teeth to want a gap between their two front teeth! Well, if you thought that trend was surprising, you might not believe this new fad in the East!

Tokyo Dental Salon Specializes in Giving Girls “Crooked” Teeth:


images via OddityCentral and InventorSpot

Yup. Women in Japan are actually paying to make their teeth crooked. You heard us correctly. What we call “fangs” and “snaggle teeth,” are being referred to as “yaeba” in Japan—a term that directly translates to “double tooth.”

Famous celebrities and various blogs have begun popularizing this unique new look. These fang-like yaeba teeth are supposed to make the girls seem more cute and approachable, causing men to be more attracted to them. Consequently, women are spending upwards of $400 on these “stick-on” fangs. The procedure simply consists of a dentist applying the plastic teeth directly onto existing teeth with glue.

So, now we want to hear from you! What are your thoughts on these yaeba? Would you spend money to make your teeth crooked?