3 Reasons It’s Safe to See a Virtual Orthodontist

virtual orthodontist

During the pandemic, you have been careful to take care of your physical health, but are you also checking in on your teeth? Our virtual orthodontist check-in procedures will keep you safe and healthy, so there is nothing to worry about.

We frequently clean, have a special HVAC system in place, take the temperatures of patients and staff alike- and do much, much more to ensure your safety during these uncertain times. We would love to see you back in our office soon and want you to feel comfortable during your visit.

Because of that, we want to let you know about all the reasons that it is safe to see our virtual orthodontist.  Here they are:

1. You Do Not Come into Contact with Other Patients

Our virtual check-in system protects you and our orthodontic care specialists, as it allows for only one patient in the waiting room at a time. All you need to do is text us from your car and we will let you know when it is safe to enter the building.

To keep as few people as possible in the building, we ask that only the patient enter when we say it is alright to come in. They will be escorted by our staff to their individual treatment room (which will have been recently disinfected), so you do not need to worry about young children being unsure of where to go.

By following our virtual check-in guidelines, you ensure that our staff and other patients are kept healthy. This system allows you to receive orthodontic care with no risks. We will also ask that you wear a mask inside and have some hand-sanitizer available for you to use.

Once your appointment has ended you can return to your car and call us about setting up your next appointment. We appreciate your cooperation in making sure that the virtual orthodontic check-in procedures run smoothly.

2. The Staff You Come into Contact with are Healthy

While ensuring that you do not have to come into contact with any other patients, we also are making sure that those you do need to be close to are healthy. We do this in a few different ways.

First, we ask that everyone- staff and patients alike- allow us to check their temperature before entering the building. If their temperature is above 100 F, then we send them home. We make sure to check our staff’s temperature a few times a day, in case that it increases later.

Taking temperatures is a CDC guideline that we follow to make sure that no one with a fever is inside of our practice. It allows us to make sure that everyone who comes into the office is not sick- keeping our building safe for everyone who enters.

Second, you will also be asked to fill out a quick health questionnaire. If a patient would select any answers that indicate they are not currently healthy, we sadly can not let them into the office, and would need to reschedule their appointment for at least two weeks later.

This is another way to ensure that everyone who enters the building will not be a risk to others. We also have our entire team, orthodontics experts and other staff, take the questionnaire upon their arrival at the practice. If they were to select answers that would disqualify them from entering, we would also ask that they return home.

3. We Use the Proper Protective Equipment

Once you enter our practice you will be able to see that our staff is always wearing the proper protective equipment- shields, masks, gowns, and gloves. You can also be assured that they are practicing the hygiene routines suggested by the CDC. This paired with the extra equipment ensures that we are not going to be spreading any illnesses.

It can be nerve-wracking to think about going to an appointment now, we understand. However, we are following all of the set guidelines and going above and beyond them to provide you with the best orthodontic care possible. Our virtual orthodontists can assist you in getting into the office and staying safe once you are inside.

4. We Use Effective Cleaning Equipment

During your visit to our office, you can be sure that all surfaces and the treatment rooms have been thoroughly sanitized. When doing so, we are dedicated to making sure that we follow the standards set by the CDC- all wipes that we use are virucidal, meaning that they kill viruses.

We have also installed an HVAC system that includes a higher than normal filtration system. This is to keep the air in the lobby and other common areas clean and safe for you to breathe. We are doing everything in our power to lower possible virus transmissions.

If you are looking for adult orthodontics care, be sure to contact us. We would love to hear from you and want you to feel comfortable and safe during your visit.


By using our system, your visit with a virtual orthodontist will be sure to go smoothly. During the pandemic, taking care of your health is important- but do not forget to take care of your teeth! If you have problems with your braces we can get them fixed for you right away, leaving issues untreated could cause damage to your teeth over time.

You can be certain that we are doing everything possible to keep our workplace clean and safe for visitors. By following our virtual check-in guidelines, you will not come into contact with other patients that are strangers to you. You can also be sure that the staff you do have to come into contact with are practicing the standards set by the CDC.

We frequently clean and use the proper materials to kill viruses as well. In short, you should know that there are many reasons why it is safe to see a virtual orthodontist, so schedule an appointment with us today.