IF YOU’RE A PARENT, YOU INTUITIVELY UNDERSTAND that your children look to you as they form their own early opinions about life and all of its complexities. This principle applies to the things that you believe and the priorities you value. Kids ride piggyback on many of our opinions until they grow old enough to adapt, interpret, and challenge those beliefs on their own.
So, how does this notion relate to orthodontics? Here at our practice we believe that the best way to help your children feel comfortable about orthodontic care is to get them in the habit of seeing us when they’re young—don’t wait until the last possible minute to straighten their teeth!
As parents it’s our obligation to make sure our children are getting the best oral health care possible to help ensure they keep healthy smiles for life. Bringing your children to visit your general dentist at an early age helps get them more accustomed to oral care in general, and helps them feel more at ease here at our office as well.
As parents, you can also help your children understand the benefits of a smile, and having a mouth free of pain and hassle. If children hear a parent disparaging orthodontic care they may try and resort to hiding their smile (gulp) rather than getting it fixed.
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