5 Tips for Improving Your Dental Health

Dentists out of all the medical professions tend to get a bad reputation. People tend to associate the dentist with pain, making them afraid to step one foot into the office even if they are experiencing tooth pain or discomfort. What many people don’t realize is that with the skill of dentists today and the technology at their disposable, a trip to the dentist is not something to dread.

And the reality actually is that by not going to a dentist on a regular basis can actually lead to more serious, more painful dental issues further down the line which can even affect your overall health.

Here are some dental issues you need to look out for:

Periodontal Disease

Not properly brushing and flossing your teeth leads to build up of plaque and bacteria on your teeth and in your gums causing inflammation known has gingivitis. And not going in for your regular 6 month cleaning at the dentist will only compound the problem.

If left unchecked, gingivitis will lead to full blown periodontal disease which is not only associated with increased risk for cavities and tooth loss, but also increased risk for heart disease.

Study upon study has shown that people who also have periodontal disease are also likely to have atherosclerosis in the carotid artery in the neck. And the clogging of this artery can result in a stroke. Basically, the plaque buildup in your mouth is connected to the plaque buildup in your arteries.

If you have bleeding and swollen gums, you should also have yourself checked out by your general practitioner for diabetes. Often times this is a sign of poor sugar control which is indicative of diabetes. Did you also know that poor oral health can also lead to gestational diabetes in pregnant women?

How do you know if you should be worrying about this? If you tend to always have bad breath, bleeding gums, dry mouth and even loose teeth, then you should see your dentist as soon as possible.

Cavities, Tooth Loss

Of course poor dental health also leads to tooth decay which leads to cavities. And if you don’t get cavities fixed you will eventually start losing your teeth. Don’t wait to take proper care of your teeth until you start to develop problems because once you get stuck in a cycle of having to get fillings and root canals, it is hard to get out of it. It can get quite expensive to fix your teeth and gums and on top of that you will find yourself always embarrassed by the condition of your mouth.

Luckily though it is never too late to do something about all these issues. Here are some tips for improving your dental health:

  • Brush and floss your teeth and gums thoroughly. Don’t skimp on these important daily routines. Make sure you get rid of all the buildup of food and bacteria between your teeth and your gums. No matter how tired or rushed you are in the morning or before bed, take the time to maintain proper hygiene. Ask your dentist if there are certain dental tools that you can use to make the whole process easier.
  • Stay away from foods that are filled with sugar like sweets and try to eat a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables and healthy proteins and carbohydrates. Healthy fats like those found in butter, olive oil and avocados are good for your teeth and bones. And fermented foods like yogurt have a good bacteria that can help get rid of the bad bacteria in your mouth.
  • Don’t forget to go to the dentist every 6 months for a good cleaning. The dental hygienist will give your teeth and gums a really good cleaning and will let you know if there are any problem spots brewing that might need to be fixed by the dentist.
  • If you do have cavities or the beginning of gum disease, have the dentist treat it right away. It is a lot easier to treat it the sooner you catch the problem.
  • If you have crooked teeth or a bite issue, get evaluated by an orthodontist. These issues make it more difficult to clean your teeth and gums properly and cause a lot more wear and tear on your teeth and gums.

If you don’t think you can get over your fear of going to the dentist then enlist family and friends to help you out. Confide in them about your situation and see if they have a dentist they can recommend one who knows how best to soothe their patients’ anxieties. The availability of pain-free dental technology today will surprise you and make the all experience a lot more pleasant. Make sure to do your research before picking one to make sure that the dentist you choose also has the right experience and skill level.

When you finally make it to the dentist, if he or she recommends getting braces, don’t ignore what they say. Like with general dentistry, orthodontic work has become so much more advanced over the years and you have many different options to choose from. There are the traditional metal braces, Invisalign aligners which are clear plastic removable aligners, lingual braces which are attached to the backs of your teeth, and ceramic braces that are like traditional metal braces but are tooth colored making them more invisible.

Each type of treatment has its own lists of pros and cons so weigh them each carefully before making a final decision. If cost is a consideration, talk to your orthodontist about possible payment plants. They really want to help you as much as possible. Whatever you do, don’t opt out of any treatment at all. Not fixing crooked teeth or misaligned jaws will just come back to bite you in the butt.

Want to learn more about how a straighter smile can improve your dental health and what treatment options are best for you? Call Orthodontics Limited today to schedule your free consultation.